Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just A Project.

This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its content please email the teacher, Chris Jocham, at

Day 14: Treatment

I met the psychiatrist today.

My mother along with my other colleagues felt that I needed some help. They said I am too sad and need to cheer up. The doctor asked me what was going on. I told him nothing, I just felt a little sad.

He took my weight and compared it to my weight when I took my last physical. I had lost 14 pounds within a matter of two weeks. He said that wasn't normal. He asked whether or not I was eating healthy or not. I said I dunno; I eat when I feel like it.

He asked me a few more questions, mostly about Amy. I said I stopped caring. It didn't matter to me anymore. He didn't seem to believe me. He prescribed some medication for me. He said he was diagnoising me with Major Depressive Disorder.

I don't mind. I don't really care.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 7: Family Reunion

My mother invited me to her house for a family reunion. It must have been forever since I have last been there. I just can't stand their fake smiles and artifical happiness.

Uncle Tom hates my father. My father hates Aunt Mary. Aunt Mary thinks Uncle Leroy is weird. Uncle Leroy lives in a box. My family is disfunctional; what's the point of embracing that at events like these?

I tried to keep a low-profile, but my mother had to ask me how Amy was. Of course I didn't want to talk about it, but she kept pestering me. I finally told her how she cheated on me seven days ago. My mother said she wasn't surprised. She knew that girl would hurt me sooner or later. I couldn't stand staying there any longer.

I left.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 2: School

I got up, rubbed my eyes a little, sluggishly brushed my teeth, and dragged myself into the shower. That's how I got ready for school today.

I'm starting to feel a little hungry, but I'm too lazy to get anything to eat. I don't care for class much; the students are all mean and judgmental. Ugh I just don't care much anymore. They can do whatever they'd like.

The teacher asked me to get up and go to the board today. It took a lot of effort to get up; I was just so tired. I somehow made my way up there, and my teacher said to perk up. What does she know anyways? I am fine, just tired of all of her uselessness.

I'm home now. I had a little bit to eat. A few crackers and water. I think I am just going to get back in bed. Goodnight.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 1: The Beginning

I couldn't get up this morning.

What's the point of getting up anyways? I am so tired, so sick of the regular getting up, going to work, and coming home just to do it all over again. I just want to lie in bed all day. Atleast I didn't have classes today. I went to work where I felt lethargic. I could barely concentrate on my work. All I could do is sit there and look out the window.

Minutes felt like hours, seconds like minutes. After work ended, I dragged myself into the car and drove home. I couldn't eat or drink anything; all I wanted to do is lay back down. Maybe turn on some television. I had to go to my friend's party tonight, but I couldn't find the strength to get up.

I hope tomorrow seems better.